The beginning of a new year seems to prompt a lot of "favorites" and "best of" lists. As I reflect back on 2020. My biggest takeaway for 2020 is how much I need connections to other people! I thought that this favorites list my spur some discussion because I always like to know what others recommend.
Here are some of my favorites for 2020:
Favorite Non-Fiction Book
Atomic Habits, James Clear
This is one of those books that offer so many gems and so much wisdom! I used his 2 minutes to get started as a springboard for my 2-Minute Tool.
Favorite Fiction Book
The Paris Architect, Charles Belfoure
This is a beautiful and harrowing story of deeply courageous people during a dark time in our world's history.
Favorite Mantra (Based on the book of the same name by Marie Forleo)
Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo
I read the book at the beginning of 2020 and practiced the mantra frequently this year. I even created and printed a poster for my office. Whenever I would get stuck on something, I would put it aside momentarily and say the mantra out loud, write it down several times, and then I would write "Everything is figureoutable, especially _______." It got me unstuck enough.
Favorite Streaming Series
The Queen's Gambit on Netflix
I always love to root for girls and women who excel in typically male endeavors, and I used to play chess with my dad when I was growing up. Put women and chess together, and it's a must-see series.
Surprise Enjoyable Streaming Series
Ted Lasso on AppleTV+
Combine a good underdog story, overcoming hurdles, and extreme optimism, and you have this enjoyable series.
Favorite Song Released in 2020
I love music, and by trying to figure out what my favorite song for 2020 was, I realized that my method of consuming music has changed drastically this past year because I didn't recognize many songs released in 2020. I have been listening to streaming services or using classical music to focus or creating my own playlists (like 10 songs for maximizing motivation). This one was really good.
Favorite Business Podcast
Online Marketing Made Easy, Amy Porterfield
I enjoy her podcast because she makes things so actionable and has created a great online business herself.
Favorite Non-Business Podcast
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd & Monica Padman
(Favorite Guest: Monica Lewinsky)
She was found guilty in the court of public opinion and still has to deal with online bullying and shaming. She is a lesson in resilience. I also like how Dax and Monica share their own humanity as they try to navigate their own lives.
Favorite Political Journalist
Who would have thought that data could be so cool? And who would have thought that I would have a favorite political journalist?
Favorite Recipe Blog
She specializes in gluten-free recipes, but really, all of the stuff I have tried is tasty! I especially love the Spicy, Smokey, Sweet Chili; the Crockpot Sausage and Peppers; and the Fig and Prosciutto RollUps.
Favorite Blog
I enjoy this blog and Gretchen's research because she posts a lot about alternate ways to get things done and why traditional ways may not work for you. I think this has been one of the best things that I have realized for myself: that one expert's way is not the only way. My favorite post was about a new way to look at resolutions: https://gretchenrubin.com/2020/12/new-years-resolutions-what-not-to-try
Favorite Random Purchase
Sydney Grace eye shadow palette - Enduring Love
Throughout 2020 and work-from-home, I put on makeup every morning. Not a lot, but I just made it part of a routine that I looked forward to. I got this eye shadow on sale, and I love it! It also felt nice to support a smaller business.
Blog Post with the Most Traffic
I loved this discovery in 2020 because this is what I credit the most with helping me overcome overwhelm. The 2-minute concept is not new, but I added my own twist to it! It looks like you loved it, too (and it contains a great before-and-after transformation).
Blog Post with the Least Traffic (and that I thought should get more)
This is a technique that I used repeatedly in 2020! And it really worked for me.
Online Course I Created in 2020
Productivity on Purpose
This is a productivity course that looks at shifting your mindset, habits, and actions surrounding productivity! It uses research as well as things I (as a not-born-organized person) have learned over the last few years. (I am updating it - if you decide to purchase it, you will also get all of the updated modules when they come out at no extra cost).
I created these tools for you because I always enjoy seeing how other people do things in a step-by-step fashion. I hope these are as helpful to you as they have been to me!
I'd love to know: what were some of your favorites for 2020? Pick one of these categories or choose something completely different!