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#31days: Loving-Kindness Meditation

Meditation has been a great benefit in my life - both for short term stresses and for longer, more chronic stress. I found meditation during a particularly stressful 9-month period in my life: my mother passed away unexpectedly, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, my husband's company restructured him out of a job, and my position was eliminated. Regular meditation helped me get through the cycles of grief and anxiety that happen with most major losses. It didn't take away the issues, but helped me walk through them more evenly. By the way, my husband and I both found jobs relatively quickly and my mother-in-law mad it through with flying colors!

There are many types of meditation, and has a run down on question to ask yourself to determine which type may be the best for you. Lately, though, I have felt drawn to Loving-Kindness meditation as a way to increase compassion for both myself and for others. As we embark on the busyness and stressfulness of the holiday season, I think this is a great gift to give yourself.

I am embarking on a 31-day Loving-Kindness meditation journey. For the month of December, I am going to start or end my day with this. Who is with me? I'd love to hear about your own meditation experience or the results of your own 31 day challenge! #31days #lovingkindess


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